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State Colors

Metronic comes with a number of state colors that can be applied to the most of elements and components. It reuses Bootstrap's original 6 states:
State Preview Class postfix Usage example
Success *-success btn-success m--font-success
Warning *-warning btn-warning m--font-warning
Danger *-danger btn-danger m--font-danger
Info *-info btn-info m--font-info
Primary *-primary btn-primary m--font-primary
Secondary *-secondary btn-secondary m--font-secondary
And also adds its own brand and metal states:
State Preview Class addon Usage example
Brand *-brand btn-success m--font-brand
Accent *-accent btn-accent m--font-accent
Focus *-focus btn-focus m--font-focus
Metal *-metal btn-metal m--font-metal
Light *-light btn-light m--font-light

State Examples

Apply state classes to any typography element:
Success state text Warning state text Info state text Danger state text Primary state text Focus state text
Apply state classes to any component:
new pending 203 hot fixed in process completed focus accent
Megan wrote
Hi Bob. What time will be the meeting ?
Hi Megan. It's at 2.30PM
Megan wrote
Will the development team be joining ?
Yes sure. I invited them as well
Megan wrote
Noted. For the Coca-Cola Mobile App project as well ?
Yes, sure.
Please also prepare the quotation for the Loop CRM project as well.
Megan wrote
Noted. I will prepare it.
Thanks Megan. I will see you later.
Megan wrote
Sure. See you in the meeting soon.
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