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jQuery Idle Timer

The idle timer is built on jQuery and provides two events: idle.idleTimer and active.idleTimer, which fire when the user's idle state has changed. When you move your mouse over the page or start typing, you're considered active. On this page we have two idle timers. One for the entire document. Another for the text area on the right (or bottom if your on mobile).

Document second timeout

Element second timeout

Megan wrote
Hi Bob. What time will be the meeting ?
Hi Megan. It's at 2.30PM
Megan wrote
Will the development team be joining ?
Yes sure. I invited them as well
Megan wrote
Noted. For the Coca-Cola Mobile App project as well ?
Yes, sure.
Please also prepare the quotation for the Loop CRM project as well.
Megan wrote
Noted. I will prepare it.
Thanks Megan. I will see you later.
Megan wrote
Sure. See you in the meeting soon.
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